Sunday, June 29, 2008

Time Passes

So it's been a while. So I need to update you on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and today, Sunday.

On Thursday we went and served breakfast and the school that a mission team with the church restored the week before we got there, then went to tutoring, then I had lunch with Sara (we each take turns for one on one lunch), and had my first sushi! And it was actually good! There was also this really, really wonderful fried cheese ball that I always forget the name of. After lunch we met with Marissa and Emily and had our Bible Study, and then went to the Let's Start Talking party, which was a talent show. All the interns (Me, Marissa, Emily, and Alex) plus Sam and his kids Victoria and Sopie sang a song, and there were lots of other acts. After the show, there was karaoke, and lots and lots of dancing. It was a lot of fun.

On Friday we went to Fernanda's school for her last day. At schools here they have lots of graduations and presentations. So in her class they went through presentations of all the different subjects. When they got to English, her teacher looked at me and said, "We have some friends with us who speak very good English who are going to help us with our games." So I had to go up to the front where I read vocab words and numbers and in boys vs. girls format the kids competed. It was pretty fun. After that we walked around downtown for a while before heading to tutoring. After tutoring we went home and ate, and after a nap, we went to the youth cell group. And after cell we went with Sara to rent a movie, but we didn't get to watch it that night. But we did go to Sara's house and order pizza and talk for a while, before heading home to sleep.

On Saturday we woke up and went to the cell leaders meeting (which we were early to and locked out of), and then to the mall for a little while, and then to Sara's house where we finally got to watch our movie, and we ordered from El Mago, witch is a really wonderful restaurant. After the movie we walked down the street to go to a six year old's birthday party, which is not the same as in the States. The kids were all in the kitchen, while the adults took up the living and dining room. We talked, had some cake, and were awkward for a while. But after a few hours, we started playing spoons. Most people had left by this time, so it was just us and the family. So we decided to play spoons, but the thing about this family is that they all cheat at cards. Even the grandpa. So it was really funny. People had to be pat down every round to see who was hiding cards, and a water gun was brought out and used. It was loud and a whole lot of fun. And then after that, we had a surprise. Sara had told us we were doing something, but she didn't tell us what (this was Thursday), so we were all excited. We got dressed up, and went downtown, where Sara took us to this really cool restaurant (kinda like a coffeehouse...but not so much about the coffee). There were singers and bands playing that were very enjoyable, and at 12:30, there was the dance of the little old people (La Danza de Los Viejitos). I love this dance, we've seen it around, but in this one, it was even cooler because one of the dancers was really a 75 year old little old person. Often their in their teens or twenties because the dance is really intense. But it is sooo much fun. And so we got home really late.

(The Dance of the Little Old People)

And this morning we woke up and went to church at a church called Filidelfia. It was really cool, because we were talking about Unity in the church, and both churches were their and everyone hugged everyone and everyone was welcoming one another and it was a really wonderful show of Jesus' Love and unity within the one body of Christ.

Picture: Sam preaching.

After church we went with Miguel and Fernanda to lunch. So later, we went back to the house, slept for a while, and then went to Starbucks where we talked with Sara, and then went back to her house and talked until after midnight.