Friday, June 20, 2008


Okay, so today we woke up, planned another bible study, and went to tutoring. Then we hung out at Sara's house for a while, and then went to lunch with her. After that, we went downtown and had a photo/video scavenger hunt that Alex planned for the youth cell. And then we hung out at Sara's house some more before getting some good food at a taco place before heading home to bed.

However, the most interesting part of my day was the drive home I think. I was sitting in the taxi, feeling kind of bored, when I feel like I flipped a switch inside of me. I think I've always been able to do this, but I haven't really realized this before. Okay, this is confusing, so let me describe it, and then talk about it.

As we sat in the taxi and I was bored, I felt the wind on my face, and one moment it was annoying and making me cold, and the next it was a blessing reminding me to feel alive. I just decided to enjoy it. I looked out the window as we drove through town, and felt God's love for this place and these people. I enjoyed the realness of life.

So I started to think. This time, I was aware of the moment I made the change. So, I do have a choice in the matter. Being miserable or happy is somewhat of a choice. Perspective. It's one thing for me to look around me and get upset because I can't communicate like I want to or be frustrated with things beyond my control, and it's another to enjoy the time I have here now, and to soak up and learn as much as I can, and enjoy the relationships that I can build, whether I speak the language or not.

Picture: I found this very pretty. It's the stairs in our house with the sun coming in from the skylight.

Now, I understand that circumstances will play a role in attitude. I can just about promise that I'll be frustrated with my lack of Spanish again (and again), and I know that life is not always what we want it to be. However, it seems to me that life flows smoother when we flip the switch and enjoy the life we have. (And I am determined. I will learn Spanish).

A phrase we used yesterday was "to live in the present". To take what is right now, and be. Now, I won't always be optimistic, and sometimes I'm just the opposite. But I like myself better when I find the good in things instead of the bad. And I think that God wants us to find the good things too, because they're there. Sometimes they're hidden in a bunch of bad things that are not God's desire for us, but those things shouldn't get in the way of what God does have for us.

A lot of this is probably common sense, but it's the sense that was rekindled in me on my ride home tonight, and I hope that maybe it will encourage you too.