Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Finally in Mexico!

I made it to Mexico! Finally!

And so much has happened in the last 24 hours, it's crazy. I was picked up at the airport by Sara and Alex, and we drove about thirty minutes to get into town and to the house we're staying at. My first word to learn in Morelia is "tope". Morelia is apparently "topelandia". AKA "speed bump land". They're EVERYWHERE. I had a lot of fun talking with Sara and Alex...and I could tell from the start (cause I knew the other interns) that this should be an amazing group. We made it to the house, and I got to meet my host family, and was reunited with my fellow interns. I also realized I know even less Spanish than I thought I did, and had a bit of a hard time. We got in late, so I chatted with Marisa and Emily, the other interns, for a while, and then went to bed.

We woke up this morning, and had breakfast that our host mother, Morelia, made for us. It was very good....she's a great cook. Then we got a taxi to the church office, where we met for prayer time, which was all in Spanish, so I didn't understand a lot of it. After that, we went back with Sara to her house where we had orientation and some chill time. I love the other interns I'm working with, and Sara, Sam, and Ann, the missionaries. I'm so excited to work with them this summer. I really do relish the moments I spend with each of them. I couldn't be happier about the group.

Anyways, after that we went to lunch (it's around 3pm here), where I had enchiladas morelias. Or Morelian enchiladas. They were very good, but really spicy. That seems to be a theme with the food here. (I had some pico with dinner, and just about mouth burned and tingled for a really long time.) And after lunch we walked around downtown. We also got to try some churros as well...mmmm. We went back to Sara's house for a while, had some more team bonding and adventures, like climbing on the roof, overcoming fears, and generally getting to know each other more.

Then we went to a cell group led by Sam and Ann...but just Sam tonight, because Ann is giving birth any day. (Their three girls they already have are soo cute.) We sang, prayed, and did a Bible study...I just tried to soak in as much Spanish as I could.

On the way home with Morelia, we were sitting with her grandaughter Fernanda. We were invited to a movie next week, and so Morelia was talking about how the "chicas" were going. Fernanda promptly replies, "esta chica!", to which Morelia goes, "nooooo". It was cute.

Also, when I came to Mexico, I was expecting it to be a hot dry desert. But no. We're in the mountains, in rainy season. And even in the dry season, the 90's are hot. I'm pretty much in love with this climate already.

And did you know: not even the locals in Mexico drink the tap water. No one does. But, it's "better than it used to be" according to the Mexican government.

See: Water bottles, everywhere.

So that's all for now. I have a lot to learn and experience, and I'm frustrated with my lack of Spanish, but I'm so excited to see where this crazy adventure goes...

So buenas noches! Via con Dios! Watch out for los topes!