Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Okay, so I was going to get my computer today, but something more exciting happened!  Ann had her baby!  Her name is Isabella Joy.  She is sooo cute.  We woke up first thing this morning and went to the hospital.  Anyways, because of that, all the cars got switched around, and I didn't get to get my computer.  

After the hospital, we went to the church, and were going to have prayer time, but I don't think the person we were waiting for showed up, so we talked, and then went back to the hospital.  Then we went to Sopie's school for a little while, and then went to tutoring.  Today with my tutor, we worked on vocabulary and tenses.  I had to tell a lot of stories.  

And after that we came back and had more delicious food that Morelia made.  We had a really good Broccoli and Poblano Chili soup today...tasty with a little bit of zing.  So good.  Afterwards we took naps.  And this evening we planned the first of the kids bible studies that we need to plan, and went for a walk with Fernanda and her friend Sofia.  And then they did yoga.  I did not.

Tomorrow, when I have my computer, I should have some interesting things to talk about, like PDA, social fear, invitations and such.  But you'll have to wait for that.