Sunday, June 15, 2008

Feliz Dia del Padre!

Happy Father's Day!

This morning we woke up, and went to church. We were at church for three and a half hours, and I think that almost two and a half hours of that was the actual service. It was really interesting though, and the time went quicker than I thought it would. It would have been really awesome if I had understood Spanish.

(This picture is not from church, it's from our tour yesterday.)

For Father's Day, our Mexican father, Miguel, asked that we speak in Spanish. That was rough for me, but the family was really encouraging, and I'm starting to think I might be able to do this.

Anyways, when we got home from church Coco and Montse (I think it was them), had set up a table in the garage for us to eat at. Lunch wasn't ready yet, so we (me, Emily, Marisa, and Fernanda) went upstairs and played some really intense Uno for a while. And when lunch was finally ready, it was sooo good, and we all ate too much food.

After dinner we (the interns) went with Coco and Montse to the movies, where we saw the Hulk. It was a good movie...lame ending though. And after that we got back to the house and relaxed for a while before bed.

I also got to talk to my parents for the first time since getting here, so that was nice.

So, interesting thought of the day (at least I think it is). So, I've been listening to all the Spanish around me, a lot of it doesn't make sense, even though it makes perfect sense to the people speaking it. This made me think of how babies who are learning to talk. For a while, a lot of what we say must be just noise to them, even though we think that they should understand. It makes me want to understand so badly though, and to be able to communicate. I think that it must be frustrating as a child not to be able to understand or talk with anyone. Plus I have a new appreciation for people who learn English as a second language. Learning a new language is a lot of work.