Saturday, June 14, 2008

Late Day.

Okay, so this is a post today for yesterday, because their days go later here. They also start late, which is wonderful.

We woke up this morning and had breakfast around 10 (wonderful), and then went for a bike ride. It was a lot of fun, and a good workout, and we got to meet the guards at the guardshack. We live in the Mexican equivalent of a gated community. That way, the trash truck doesn't come at 6am. Yay! Anyways, after we got back and showered, we went with Sara to a restaurant (I forgot the name) that had huge delicious sandwiches and fruit drinks made with real fruit. My strawberry drink felt like I was drinking strawberries. After lunch (around 3) we went to Sam's Club to print photos that reminded us of God for our youth cell group later, and Office Max, and we got snacks for cell group. Then we went to cell group, and had to describe our picture and how we saw God in it, and describe our favorite Spanish. I have sooooo far to go, but I'm learning, and I survived. We also made a collage of our photos. Here was mine:

We talked for a while in cell group, and I tried to understand as much as I could (I'm getting better), and then afterward we came back to our house to wait for Montse, one of the sisters. Morelia made us some food to eat in the meantime. We waited for a long time, but after we all were home and ready, we headed up the mountain, and got to see the most amazing view of the city. You can see everything. It was so beautiful and wonderful. I loved it.

I really enjoy it here, and I hope someday (soon?) I can begin to communicate with a little bit more, and understand more. But I get a little better every day. One day at a time.