Saturday, June 14, 2008


So today we woke up, had breakfast, and went with Morelia to the cell leaders meeting. We watched the kids, who got a little bored, and didn't really want to wait for the meeting to be over, but I remember being that age, and being antsy like that.

After the meeting was over we went with Sara and two of the Let's Start Talking people for a tour. We went out to this little town almost an hour away called Pátzcuaro where we had lunch at the Best Western and then did some shopping. This was the place that Vasco de Quiroga (you can read about him for a full story...the part about him as bishop) used as his center for commerce.

After that we went to Tzintzuntzan which was the P'urhépecha (indigenous people's) capital. They specialize in weaving and basketry. We also saw there the yácatas that were their temples and their sacrificial places. We also saw the church there with one of the oldest baptistries in Latin America. After that we went to Santa Clara del Cobre, also known as Coppertown, because they make things from copper. They're amazing. They also showed us the process, and it takes so long, and so much work to make things, it's incredible. The towns are all far apart, so it took us a long time, all day in fact. But just to make this clear, Mexico is not the desert. It rains here all the time, and today we drove through forests into the mountains.

After our long day of touring, we went back to Sam and Ann's house for delicious tacos (and pie for dessert), and we meet the new Let's Start Talking team that just got in. It was so good, and a lot of fun.

So, just for fun, we were listening to the radio yesterday, and heard some really interesting lyrics. The best was, "every time I think about you, thoughts go through my mind." Also, "every day is just another day, no doubt." We laughed because the writer pretty obviously learned English as a second language, and the song wasn't profound at all. But, for his credit, if I were to write a song in Spanish, it'd be even worse.

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, my new name is Elisabet. Just wanted to clear that up.