Friday, February 29, 2008

Papers Papers Everywhere.

Oh many papers to write. I think I have somewhere around nine papers to write.

Today we went to visit All Souls College and walked around for a while. And I worked for a while on all of my papers. I waited for a long long time at the post office to get envelopes for my World Wide Witness letters.

I didn't do a whole lot today...homework and walking around town. We did watch Peter Pan (the Disney version) tonight. Apparently people watch movies over here in house 9, but being in house 10, I'm normally too lazy to come over here. It's probably better, because otherwise I'd never get anything done.

I'm excited though, because when this weekend is over, I should have at least all of my flights booked for the semester, and on my way to having all of my trips planned. Plus the homework is going to start getting easier as the frontloading part of the semester comes to an end, and we get to spend the last part traveling and basically enjoying life, with some school thrown in. Ahh...can't wait.