Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Overcoming iPhone Jealousy.

Okay, so, I'm jealous. I know I'm not supposed to be, but I am.

All the incoming freshmen at ACU get free iPhones. Here's the link to the story.

Not that I'm mad that they get one, I'm mad that I don't. Mostly because I really want one already. I guess I just went to college too early.

In other news for the day, I tried to get a Bodlian card, but we were mislead when we listened into someone else's conversation on cost, and it doesn't look like it's going to happen after all. Sad day. I am going to Berlin, Germany in a week, and Ireland for St. Patrick's day the weekend after that. And then to somewhere, maybe Scotland, the week after that. And Italy in April. It's a wonder we do any work around here...or maybe that explains why we have so much to do when we are here.

I do love the conversations we get to have on Wednesday nights downstairs in one of the professor's flats. We're going through the Purpose Driven Life, and mostly it's really good conversation.

Today it hit me how much I really want a good hug though.

We talked about trust tonight, and trusting in God. It's strange, because for all of growing up, everything in my life was constantly changing. Now that it's been the same (ish...I mean, college and such, but you know), I'm not sure I'm as used to dealing with change. It's hard being so far away from home, with everything changing. But it seems like from here on out...things are going to change. I guess that's a part of growing up...slowly becoming an independent adult. So much of life was easier when I was little. I watched Kennedy talking to her mom tonight (wife and kids of one of the professors), and I remembered being that age, and how safe everything was when your parents deal with everything for you. And now I'm starting to learn to deal with things for my self. Not there yet, but starting. I can, however, see where this goes. And it is kinda daunting.

Anyways. Sometimes I get stressed, and lose sight of how very blessed I am. Because I am. I'm living in Oxford, traveling Europe, I have a dear wonderful family and great friends, and God is so very good.

My message for myself at the moment: God is Good. God is Love. God will take care of me.

And to end: I really have a liking of this artist, Wassily Kandinsky. Here's something of his.

I can't tell you exactly why I like him...I really just do. So there you go.