Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Again, I've skipped a day.

Yesterday my morning class was cancelled due to the fact that my teacher was sick. So I slept in, then went to my afternoon class, and proceeded to spend most of the rest of the day ready the entire second book in the Golden Compass series.

Today, Lent starts, and so does my waking up at 8 in the morning. Which I did. Then after that I went to Oxfam for my first hour of volunteering. I learned to work a till! Well, it's not really that exciting, as a till is a cash register. But I like it, and I'm glad that I get to do it. Although there's not enough empty volunteer slots for me to get all my hours, so I'm also looking into other options.

Then this afternoon I started the third and last book in the GC series, and did not do my homework. I have all weekend, but, I will also be gone to York and Whitby for most of it. We'll be back Saturday evening though, so I have that night, Sunday, and some of Monday. In a little while tonight I'm going to an Ash Wednesday service at a church I've never been to. We'll see how that works out. Most of the kids here don't know what that is, and some of them didn't even know about Lent.

But I'm excited for what's to come, and hopefully everything will get done that needs to get done.