Saturday, February 2, 2008

Oh Adventures.

So, London yesterday was wonderful. I don't remember what I posted about it, but it was amazing. I still really want to see a show sometime though.

So today was an adventure. I slept in until 11 (I was so tired), ate some cereal, and lazied around (if that's not a real word...I don't really care) until around 2. Then I decided that I needed some alone time for God...and just to get away. I also knew that I had to do a walking tour, and that I needed to go rambling. So, I combined all three!

So I started out heading to port meadow. I needed to go to the iron works first, but I couldn't find the right path. I did find a wrong path with some boys hiding in a little cutout sniffing something. Turns out some things are universal. Well, I got back on the main road, and some wonderful British lady helped me find the right way. She and I had a nice talk about places around there as well, and she left me with a friendly warning not to be out too late after dark. So I saw that, and then continued to Port Meadow. I got to see the wild horses that are there, and they came up to me, and I got to pet them.

A far off view...see the album for more close ups.

Continuing on, I went over some bridges and down a path. It kinda makes me want to sing "over the river and through the woods". So after crossing the Thames, I went to the little village of Binsey, and on through the winding path to the very secluded St. Margaret's Church. It's rumored that St. Frideswide fled here from Oxford, and the Treacle Well is there, said to have healing water. Walking back into the little town of around three houses, I saw the burnt down Perch Restaurant, the Godstow Lock, the Godstow Nunnery ruins, the Trout Restaurant, and began to head back down the other side of Port Meadow to return home before dark.

This is where it gets interesting. I started down the path, and either it ended or I got off of it while watching the pretty meadow and the horses. Whatever happened, I was not on a path. As I continued walking, I realized that this part of the meadow was flooded and very marshy. My shoes got all wet and muddy. I came across this bridge...surrounded by water. But it was the only way...and it was just marshy mud instead of a river, so I decided to try to cross it. Well, I got to the other side, but my shoe didn't make it. So I took off my muddy sock, but my shoe back on, and sloshed across the marshy meadow. However, it did not get dry, and eventually, it kinda looked like a lake. Just then, there was a man walking on a trail on the other side of the river. I didn't know it was there, so I asked him how to get over there. He told me to walk back the way I came, and I would come across a bridge. So I walked (sloshed) back, and didn't see any bridge, and wanted to cross as the sun was starting to set. I did find a tree that had fallen across the stream. I tested it to see if it was secure, and it was, so I crossed...very carefully. After climbing through the thicket, I found the path, very thankfully. There may have been a bridge further on, but I was just so tired of sloshing.

The tree I climbed over.

So anyways, with my wet boots and carrying my muddy sock, I had a fairly uneventful rest of the walk home. I made it home just as the sun set. Then I showered and made some garlic bread. After a little rest, I went with some of the girls to get kebabs. I had never had a kebab, so it was exciting. There's all these vans that come out at night and sell them. It's basically a pita with meat (I got chicken), lettuce, other veggies, cheese, and sauce. It was very good. So then I came back to the do homework or watch a movie. I'm not sure yet which will win.