Sunday, February 24, 2008

I love Spain.

Okay okay, I feel bad for not posting. But first, I was gone all weekend, and second, we no longer have reliable internet in our house. Sad, I know.

Well anyways, this weekend I went to Spain. Palma de Mallorca to be more specific. It's an island off the coast. It is so so so pretty. I love the place.

We left the houses at 4am on Thursday morning, walked to the bus station, took a 4 hour bus to Stanstead airport, waited there for a long time, took a 2 hour flight to Mallorca, and then waited for a bus, then took a bus to our hostel. Only we don't speak Spanish so we missed our bus stop and had to walk back.

Our hostel was nice, and we went and got groceries for breakfast and lunch the next two days, and ate dinner. We managed to order because no one there spoke English, and we don't speak Spanish. Dinner was good, and we sat and talked for several hours.

After dinner we went and walked down by the marina, and went to see the Cathedral there at night. It was towering and majestic and absolutely wonderful. We stayed there for a little while, just in awe. Then we went back to the hostel and went to sleep.

The next day, we got up, and hiked to the flip flops because we didn't expect to be hiking. It was a lovely walk though. And the view from the castle was breathtaking. You could see almost forever. Out over the hills and the Mediterranean Sea...ahhh lovely.
After we explored the castle for a while we left, and went back to the Cathedral during the daytime, and it was still wonderful. We didn't pay to go in though. So we wandered around the gorgeous Spanish streets. We ate lunch in some beautiful gardens, and then caught a bus to the beach.

The beach was so wonderful and beautiful. One of the best things that I've ever seen. We explored, and napped, and relaxed to the sounds of the waves. After a while of that, we went back to the hostel, rested, and then went out to dinner. We had this really great dinner at a place by the marina, and again, talked for several hours.

The next morning we woke up early and went to the Catholic Mass at the cathedral. We got to see the inside, which was beautiful, but we didn't get to take any pictures.

After that, we went shopping, and I got some Mallorcan pearl earrings, and then after eating lunch, walked for a long long time, caught a bus to the airport, and flew back to England.

It was sad coming through the cloud into England though, because Spain was warm and sunny, and we saw the sun the whole way home, and then we went under the clouds in England, and it was dark and gloomy. After another 4 hour bus ride and a 2o minute walk home, we made it back to the houses.

Today I slept in, and did a lot of nothing. I enjoy being in a English speaking country again though. Language is a big deal. It's hard when you don't speak the dominant language.

But I'm also glad, because Oxford feels more and more like home, and it's good to be back.