Thursday, February 28, 2008

House boats.

Who needs a mobile home when you can get a house boat? No really, we were walking by the river for one of our walking tours, and these boats had little yards and mailboxes where they docked. It was so cute.

We went on this walking tour, and went to little Alice's shop from Alice in Wonderland, Christ Church Meadows, and walked along the river for a long long time. We did almost get attacked by some angry swans though. We went to St. Freidswide's church, and walked along the river some more. And then we came home.

So this weekend I think I'm going to Bleinheim Palace, just a 20 minute bus ride away, and trying to get caught up on all of my homework. There's a lot that's due at the end of the semester that I really should get done now.

Now we're reading the Magician's Nephew for C.S. Lewis, so that's pretty cool.

Oh, and I can't wait to register for classes next semester. I love planning my schedule, but now I want to have it. I'm tired of waiting.

And here is a picture of some interesting art that I saw at the Tate Modern in London. It's a large crack in the floor. I'm not always sure what to make of modern art...I think that's why I find it interesting. You can make up your own mind.