Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Okay, mid day post. Or morning post to be more correct.

I've now been in earthquakes in Peru AND England. Last night Britain experienced the largest earthquake they've had in ten years. [Edit: Biggest in 25 years now.] It was a 5.3 on the Richter, but it the epicenter was a couple of hours away from here, so all we got were some little tremors.

So, here's the story.
I was laying in bed last night as it approached one am. Reading I think. All of a sudden, I felt my bed shaking, kinda like someone had grabbed a hold of the side and very rapidly rocked it. So, being on the bottom bunk, I thought that Holly was shaking the bed or something. Then I looked over at the wardrobe, which doesn't touch the bed, and it was shaking too. Odd. So I sat there and told Holly..."What was that?" After we concurred that we didn't know, I mentioned to her that it felt like an earthquake...but I was pretty sure that earthquakes didn't happen in England.

I was wrong.

So I woke up this morning, and another roommate, Krisann, told me that it had been an earthquake, someone else had looked it up. She was half asleep when it happened, and doesn't remember feeling it, but she did remember my talking about it, and so when she heard some other people talking about it this morning, she came and told me.

Then I looked it up:
Heres the BBC report,
And here's the Times report.

Now, if you read those, keep in mind that I was in Oxford, and the epicenter was near Lincoln. They're several hours away, and so those crazy stories are not around me. I'm safe and fine.

On this Map, if you can't find them, Lincoln is directly above the "n" in England, and Oxford is directly below the "g".

Anyways, that was an interesting story, and now I've been in earthquakes on two continents. Neither of which is the one where I've spent most of the 19 years of my life. (I would say the one where I live...but I kinda live in England right now.)

But anyways, I hope your day is wonderful and earthquake free!