Thursday, January 24, 2008

Oxford, Day 8

So as I was reading some British news today, from the Times Online, I found this very funny article written about the PMQ's yesterday. If you haven't seen them, you might not get it all, but it's still funny. Click here to read it.

Anyways, so today I woke up for class, and we discussed Surprised by Joy, by C.S. Lewis. While it is a "tedious" read sometimes, it's really wonderful.

After class I had some lunch and then was waiting to go to the train station with a group to get tickets to Bath, England. however they were nowhere to be found, so when another group invited me to go with them to Stonehenge, I accepted, and walked with them to the train station to get tickets. Well it turns out that the group going to Stonehenge was going on Saturday, and the group going to Bath was going on Friday, so I figured that if I met up with the group going to Bath at some point, I could do both. So we got our discounted group tickets to Stonehenge, and as we were walking back, I was almost home, and we met up with the Bath group headed to the train station. So I walked back. I probably spent close to two hours just walking to and from the train station today. But it was worth it. And now I have two nice day trips, and I'll be back here for Sunday! And I get to sleep in my bed all weekend too. I think that's just wonderful.

So while I probably won't be writing much on Friday or Saturday, you can bet come Sunday or Monday, I'll have some stories to tell. Hopefully they'll be cool stories, but they will at least be stories.

I love the telephone booths here!

Anyways, I've spent most of the rest of the evening working on homework, although I still have Sunday and most of Monday to do school as well, as my next class is Monday afternoon.

My next book for my C.S. Lewis is kind of cool, because the book isn't sold in the United States. The book is The Inklings...hopefully it will be an interesting read.

Another interesting news article I was reading was about the huge problem of obesity in Britain. I should say that I don't even think I've seen anyone overweight. And the picture for the news story looked to me like someone slightly overweight, but not obese. I guess I should have known with how little sugar or preservatives they had in their food that they were super concerned with health. Which, I mean, is a good thing. But it's so different from America.

So the sun was out almost all day today. It was kinda strange.