Friday, January 25, 2008

Oxford, Day 9

So, don't believe any of that stuff about me not posting. Apparently I lied. Because here I am!

So, today, I went to Bath, England. It was wonderful. We woke up early, packed lunches, and walked to the train station. After a few train switches, we got to Bath, where we first proceeded to the main attraction, the Roman Baths. We spent most of our time there.

They were pretty cool, the water kinda bubbled up sometimes and it was nice and steamy. However, there was a BBC film crew there for a TV series called Bonekickers. I wandered out as they were about to I got a nice view point of the scene.

So after we left the Baths, we ate our packed lunches, and then went to Bath Abbey. It was very pretty.
And we saw this really cool cope too! It was awesome.
Then we walked around, saw some more cool architecture, some really cool parks, and the botanical gardens. We searched in vain for the fabled Jane Austen house...but it was nowhere to be found. So then we decided to come back. However, on the way back to the train station, Becky, one of my roommates, lost her camera. However, after a frantic city-wide search, Praise God, we found it. So then we too the several trains back, and decided to go eat dinner here in Oxford. I finally went to a pub! It worked out a lot better this time. And it was delicious.

I was so glad that our first out of Oxford outing went well. Now I just have to figure out what I'm doing for the next three of my travel breaks. I know for the fourth one I'm going to Italy...but I'm not sure what to do with the first three. That's my project for the weekend besides homework. Oh, and seeing Stonehenge as well. I'm not sure things ever really get unstressfull...there's always something to do.

For now, I'm going to get a good night sleep, see Stonehenge tomorrow...and pray that everything comes together. Sunday will be a day to rest and plan.