Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Oxford, Day 7

One Week!
That's how long I've been in Oxford. It doesn't seem like that's a long time. But I feel like I've been here for a while. Maybe that's just because a lot has happened.

So today I didn't have any class. I woke up and went to the market in town, and got some fresh fruit. My favorite vendor was on the back corner of the square, and he sang a lot. He also called all of the elderly women "young lady" and made them smile, and called people "love".

After that I came back to the house and had some cereal and an apple for lunch. After lunch, we gathered and watched the Prime Minister's Questions in house 9, the one with the TV. (Note: have I said anything about the TV tax? If I haven't I should now. They tax like, 100 pounds or something a year to own a TV. And they have this van that drive around detecting TV emissions, and if you haven't paid your tax and theres a TV emission coming from your house, they'll come and fine you.)

Anyways, back to watching the Prime Minister's Questions, or PMQ's. It's not at all like Presidential scripted speeches, these are very unscripted, and very lively. They're a lot of fun to watch. From that I got my new favorite word, "dodgy", as in, "What a dodgy deal this is!" -quote from PMQ's. So if you've never watched them, you should. I think they archive them on BBC. Don't watch them live in the'd be on at 6am.

Also, a nice quote from Mr. Cameron, the leader of the opposition: "The Prime Minister will not tell us how much taxpayers are in for or how long they will have to wait to get their money back. It is like a used car salesman who will not tell someone the price, will not tell them the mileage, and will not give them a warranty." That was a humorous quote.

Then I went walking with the intent to get a really expensive sweatshirt on High Street, but then after I got there, I decided I didn't want to, so I walked back. It was a very nice walk. I saw the bagpipe player again, and smiled.

After the walk, we had a travel meeting, where they gave us some more tips about traveling. I think this weekend I'm going to go to Bath. That should be fun! So we talked for a little while about that, and then I came back and made dinner. I felt a little sad because everyone was making really fancy dinners, and I wasn't. Oh well. Mine was ready a lot faster. And it was still tasty.