Saturday, January 19, 2008

Oxford, Day 3

So I slept in again today, and then Holly and I went for a walk. In fact, on our map of Oxford, our house is at the top, to the left. We walked off the bottom left corner of our map, and kept walking for a while. We made it to what is the "Ethnic" or shady part of town. We also went to the cheap store for clothes, Primark, kind of like a huge Ross in the US.

In the shady part of town, we also found several British adult entertainment stores. So much for that romantic view of Oxford.

On our way home from our trip off the map, we passed a guy playing the bagpipes. He was amazing. We stopped and listened to him for a while. In the two full days we've been here, I've passed a bagpipe player, and saxophone player, a violinist with a piano, and a guy playing guitar and singing. All on one street.

We also went to University Park, but we didn't get very far. University parks is this huge area with sports fields and tons of trees and paths. We turned around and went pack though because we had already been walking for three hours.

Another exciting experience was that I found Frosted Wheats cereal. Hardly any of their cereal has any sugar at all. Almost everything they have is healthy too. They don't make their food with preservatives either. I also discovered that they have Subway here too. And Burger King, McDonald's, KFC, Borders, and Blockbuster. But all of those places are very expensive.

We made sandwiches for lunch, and on the way back we stopped at On The Hoof for an afternoon snack/dinner. I discovered in my online searches the On The Hoof is an English phrase that means to be spontaneous. Interesting fact # 237 of the day.