Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Oxford, Day 13

Yes, I know I skipped a day.

But yesterday was fairly uneventful. I slept in, ate lunch, finished homework, went to class, went to the grocery store, came home, ate dinner, read, and went to bed early.

Today I woke up, went to C.S. Lewis class which was good. We talked about the book "The Inklings" and more about Lewis himself. There was also a really cool discussion about philology (the study of words and languages), and the implications of the idea that words don't actually have any inherent relationship to the things they identify. From this stems the discussion about finding germs of truth in myths, and that if so many myths focus on a dying god, that maybe it actually happened once. Since myth was so important in Lewis' life, this idea played a role in his acceptance of Christianity.

Then I had some lunch, and went to my second class. For Oxford through the Ages we basically just go on field trips, and today we went to St. Michael's by the North Gate. It is the oldest tower in Oxford. It was pretty neat. Then we walked around town and saw different places where you could still see the original city wall.

After I came back, I had dinner, and then spent my evening planning a trip to Spain for the end of February.

As my days get more repetitive, I'll start actually thinking about things and posting some reflections. For now, I really need to catch up on school work, especially Greek. And everything else.

So I have so much to read. I have a lot of school books I need to read, the Golden Compass series that I just started, and all the books from home that I brought to read. I think I'm going to pick up the habit of always reading again. It's okay though, it made me sad this past year when I didn't read as much. I remember growing up and going to bed at ten but reading until two. But I will be keeping good sleep habits this semester. Health first.

I'll try to post something interesting tomorrow.