Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Shift In the Weather

Today it got cold after being warm all week. It's even rumored that it could snow this weekend. Tomorrow we're going to London for the day, to see museums, and I want to see a show. We'll see what happens.

Today I had class, we talked about Mere Christianity in C.S. Lewis, again, wonderful. I love the discussions in that class.

And I've booked tickets to Spain and Germany. I'm going to Italy in April, but I'm waiting to get tickets. I'm going to Paris with the class, and I'm trying to figure out how to go to Scotland and Ireland. It turns out I might got to Ireland the weekend before St. Patrick's Day. That'd be fun.

Planning trips is so much work though, while trying to keep up with schoolwork and exploring Oxford. Although I know it's not worth complaining. I'm in Oxford! Sometimes I just have to remind myself that it's all so worth it.

I really am going to have to figure out interesting things to start posting as my days get more repetitive and routine.

A lot of people went to Battle of the Bands at St. Aldates tonight, so that's fun. I watched the end of Dead Poet's Society. I didn't really understand it though, because I missed the first half or so.

So: open question. I haven't figured out what to give up for lent because most of what I would give up, I already have by being here. I don't eat sweets here, or buy sodas. I already walk everywhere, I don't go to movies. I'm going to do the Purpose Driven Life with a group, but I'm not sure what else to do. I could give up caffeine, but in my desire to learn the culture, I was going to try to like tea. And I guess since I don't really like it, giving it up wouldn't do any good. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. I'm at a loss.