Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Oxford Castle

So today I woke up, went to my C.S. Lewis class, and then for my Oxford Through the Ages class we went to see the Oxford Castle. It was pretty cool. Then I went shopping at Primark, got three shirts for 5 pounds, and then came home and had dinner. Tonight I'm trying to get my COMS paper done, and work on some Bible homework, and catch up on some of my papers due, and pack before I leave tomorrow for Berlin, Germany. So I won't be posting again until at least Sunday. See...now I've forewarned you.

There's so much to be done here though, schoolwork with everything else, there's always something that I'm supposed to be doing that I'm not. It gets frustrating sometimes, but, I'm in Europe, so it'll be okay. And I think that I finally have my living situation figured out for next fall. Now if only I could talk with the World Wide Witness leaders about scheduling for the summer...well, it'd get one more thing off of my never ending list of things to do. One day at a time. Well, I'm off to attempt being productive.