Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Day of C.S. Lewis

Okay, first, yesterday not a lot happened, I had my tutorial meeting, and went out to dinner for one of the girl's birthday's. It was a lot of fun.

Today, we took a bus out to the graveyard where C.S. Lewis is buried, right next to the parish church he attended. I've decided that I would much rather be buried in an English cemetary than an American one. American cemetaries have chain link fences around the outside, roads running by, and very industrialized graves. English graveyards, on the other had, are normally by churches, they're quiet and peaceful, and very lovely.

After that, we went to the Kilns, where Lewis lived with Mrs. Moore and his brother Warnie for a long time. We went out to the forest where it's rumored that he sat to write the Chronicles, we walked all through the house, saw the study where he did most of his writing, his bedroom, the attic that reminded one of the Magician's Nephew, the "Children's Room" where children evacuated from London stayed, and all of the rest of the house. It was really cool.

Although, here's some news for the day. I've been planning on spending the summer in Mexico City on an internship, but one missionary was on furlough, and just today I found out that the second missionary has something preventing him from taking interns, maybe a death in the family. So now, plans are in the process to transfer me to Morelia, Mexico. Hopefully all of this will work out with my finely tuned scheduling for the summer.