Friday, May 1, 2009

To Be Noteworthy

So, I set a lot of goals for myself. Thus far I've not been very good at keeping them.

I need to eat breakfast every day, take my pills, workout, and have quiet time.

These are all good things, and I'm still working at being consistent at all of them.

And I will continue to work to keep them.

Additionally, I've decided that I want to do at least one noteworthy thing every day.

Perhaps that means doing something adventurous and out of my comfort zone, maybe it's a random act of kindness, or it could be something accidentally really cool.

But noteworthy.

And I want to keep a journal of it, so on days when I feel like I don't accomplish everything, I can look back through this journal, and feel like just maybe I make a difference, even on a small scale.

I want to really live my life, not just be alive.

Part of that is my first list of goals which help me to be a healthy and whole person.

The second helps me step out of structure, and into the messy, random, crazy world around me.

That's my challenge to myself. So there.

Now I'm off to buy a journal...

(P.S. I still can't comment on other people's blogs. I don't know why.)