Monday, January 5, 2009

A Few Degrees of Difference

As I drove through the near icy weather today, I thought about the difference that a few degrees makes. Driving in the rain at 33 degrees is much different than driving in the rain at 31 degrees. That's not much of a difference. I don't think that I could identify that change just by feeling it. However, it makes a big difference. At 33 degrees, all the water stays water, but just two degrees down and all that water starts to freeze. And then there's ice.

I think we sometimes deal with the same thing in our lives. For good or bad, small changes we make or things we do can have a great affect. While we can never know the outcome of all our actions, think about how easy it can be to make someone's life better (or worse). While children sing the song "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," most of us realize that that's not true. Our words, and our actions, affect people. This verse from James talks about the power of our words.

"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be." - James 3:9-10

Small choices we make, like the choice to smile at someone, say hello, compliment them, care about them - these choices can make a difference.

As some unknown person once said,
“Be Kind. Everyone is fighting a hard battle.”

Often we get caught up in ourselves. Particularly here in America where we are taught that we are individuals, make it happen for yourself, don't depend on other people. We forget that as we go though rough times, so does everyone else.

Instead of being angry at the world for not being a better place, why don't we do something to change it?

Maybe just a few changes could make a big difference.

Do you think a few degrees of change make a difference?

I do know, however, that however much I try to be a better person on my own, however hard I try to love others deeply and see the world through the lens of love, I fail.

Which brings be to a thought. A memory. Way back in middle school, I was at a retreat. The speaker talked about God as he relates to geometry. Think about a triangle - one of the unequal ones. You have one vertical side, one horizontal side, and the hypotenuse connecting them. Think of the vertical line as representing our relationship with God, and the horizontal line as representing our relationship with other people. Often, when God wants to love other people, He wants to use His love goes from Him, through us, to them. That is what we call the "hypotenuse of love." (It is necessary that you say this in a cheesy voice. Thanks)

I always think about that when I think about loving others. I try to remember that I can't do that without making sure that I am in relationship with my God, my Savior, my Father, my Friend. For that, I leave you with the words of Amena Brown:

With God's help, I believe that we can change the world.

Do you think a few degrees of change make a difference?


pknettel said...

I really like that quote, "Be kind, everyone is fighting a hard battle". It's so true. Whether we admit it or not, everyone is struggling with something (or, in most cases, many things). It's important to remember this when dealing with others. It is also nice to know we aren't alone when we have problems.