Friday, January 2, 2009

Making Coasters

So, I bought these coasters last year at the mall, and six of them cost me $20. Well, later in the year, I went shopping with my friend Holly, who wanted some as well, and we couldn't find them anywhere. With Christmas approaching, I decided to try to make some myself. I started out trying to copy the square, but was unsuccessful, so I decided to go with circles.

Here are the finished coasters that I made.

Pretty cool?

How To: If you want to make some, they take some time, but they're pretty easy. The coasters are made out of magazine pages, so I tore out some pages, and then cut them in half.

After that, I folded the pages to approximately a centimeter in width. Then I glued each of the folded pages and but them under a book to dry flat.

After they're dry, I put glue on one side of the strip, and roll the first one up. After that, I put glue on one side (what will be the inside) of the strip, and roll it around the others. Make sure that you always have pressure on the outside strip, or it will come off. Keep going till you have the size you want, and then keep pressure on all sides (rubber bands work well) until the glue dries.

My next project with this is going to be making a bowl. I'll let you know how it goes. and maybe some more pictures.