Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fuimos a la playa!!!

We went to the beach! And I have so much to tell you about (Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and now Wednesday. wow.)

Saturday: We slept in a little, and went to Sara's house around noon, and then drove about an hour outside of town to do some mountain hiking. It was lots of fun, and a little muddy. I slipped and got a whole side of me muddy. But it was still good. After that we drove back home, and me, Emily, Marisa, Sara, and Alex came back to our house where we had a cook-out for Miguel's birthday, which was Monday. Their son, Chema, came home and cooked, and we all had a lot of fun and ate way too much. The party went very late.

On Sunday we woke up, and went to church with all of our stuff for the next few days. After church we all piled into Sara's car and made the three hour trip to the beach. We went to a private beach house owned by Sara's friend Phyllis. It's at a private beach, near Playa Azul, which is near Ixtapa. It was an adventure getting there with the gravel road through the hills and woods, and the first night we were there there was a big storm, and our generator stopped working, so we didn't have any electricity, so for a while we sat in the dark with the pounding storm. But we told stories and Alex saved us by venturing out into the storm to get us matches. The problem was fixed the next day.

On Monday it cleared up and we spent the day in the ocean and in the pool. We made fajitas for dinner, and played cards and told more stories.

On Tuesday we spent the morning in the ocean and in the pool, and then left in the afternoon and made the drive back to Morelia. (We had a lot of fun singing very girly songs to Alex on the way back.) We got in around 7, got some tacos for dinner, hung out at Sara's for a little while, then came back to the house and collapsed cause we were so tired.

This morning I woke up burnt. We went to prayer time, then went to Starbucks with Sara. Then we went to tutoring, came home, ate lunch, and slept for a while. The other two girls went to cell tonight, so I've been working on my Bible Studies and catching up on some other stuff here at the house.

Note: Morelia (the mom), is SO sweet. I've been here all night, mostly working, and she came in and brought me some apple juice because she knows I like it. She also got me grapes. SO sweet. I just can't get over her.