Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Almost a Week.

Okay, again, a lot to tell you. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Woo.

Thursday - We woke up, went to our intern meeting/bible study (Ann was there, yay!), and then went to tutoring. After that, me and Marisa went to Chili's while Emily and Sara went to lunch. We had really good food, and ate too much. After we got back, we hung out for a while, played some cards, and then we went to buy Sara a new fishbowl, cause hers was too small. That evening we met up with our tutors and bought some really nice delicious bread and hot chocolate and sat and ate it downtown. We also took a walk down Romance Lane. It's really a street. Then we went home and to bed.

Friday - On Friday we woke up, went to tutoring, planned a kids lesson for the cell groups, went to youth cell, and then went to the Guinto's (one of our Mexican family friends) house, played cards with them (you may remember they're the cheaters), and then afterward they took us out for tacos. It was funny because it was late, and it was way past Jeovel Jr.'s bed time, so he fell asleep at the table and didn't even eat his food.

Saturday - We slept in a little, and the other two walked across town while I caught a taxi later. We met at Starbucks and then went to Sam's house to meet with the gringas and Jamie Atchley. Her husband, Rick, is the preacher at Richland Hills Church of Christ, and he's in for the weekend. We also met Whitney, Alex's girlfriend. She flew in this morning, and everyone except for Alex knew. We all told him that Emily's sister was flying in, and he almost made her a poster. But anyway, it was exciting for her to finally be here. A whole group of us (with friends visiting as well), went to Santino's for lunch, and it was really good. After that we all went downtown, and did some sightseeing, and went to the market. We had some churros, and then met the gingo boys who had been at the church cookout, and went to eat some dinner/dessert on the terrace of a popular place called Onix. Sara has connections for everything it seems...she's the one who got us in. Another bonus is that there are fireworks at the Cathedral every Saturday night, and we got to have the terrace view of them. It was wonderful. And after some really good food, we headed home.

Sunday - Sunday morning we took at taxi to church, heard Rick preach (he's really wonderful), and it was my last Sunday, so they prayed for me, and I cried (kinda a lot), and everyone hugged, and I'm going to miss these people SOOO much. After church we walked over to the office where we had a beautiful catered lunch, and afterward we prayed for everyone. Then we went with Sara to her house, used her phone and computer, and I think we watched some TV (weird). Then we went to another church, Filidelfia, because Rick was preaching there too. Again, it was wonderful. Sam as translator and Rick make a really wonderful team. It was an amazing service. After that we went with Sara to Starbucks (I think), where we had our girl talk time that we love so much. And after that, home and bed.

Monday - Our free day, and it was just the three of us girls, because Sara went with all the adults to do touring of Patzcuaro and area, and Alex was off with Whitney. So we slept in, then went to the market and shopped some more, had lovely lunch at Sanbournes, and the went to Sara's house. We left her creepy notes, and changed her desktop to a picture of us. After we hung out there for a while, we walked over to Sam's house for a little bit, where we said goodbye to the Atchley's, and I said goodbye to Sam. He left today for the States to pick up his other two daughter, and won't return until after I leave. So we said goodbye, and went to Sara's for a little before heading home.

Tuesday - Woke up, washed clothes, went to tutoring, and then went to the wonderful VIP to see Hancock. It was good. I love the VIP. Then after that Marisa and Emily went back to the house, and I stayed with Sara to make copies at the office and chat. Then I went home, and went with the girls to Morelia's cell group. Here's the highlight of my day: Two of the younger girls came with their mom (their names are Ana and Sofia). Ana, for some reason has taken a liking to me, and last Sunday drew me a picture. She found out I was leaving and gave me a hug, and then took off the neckalace she was wearing, and gave it too me. Sofia also gave me a sticker. I just can't get over that. A lot of hugs later, we left, and I am going to miss those precious little girls. So we came back, and here we are!