Thursday, May 29, 2008

Been a While

Okay, so I know that I haven't posted in almost a month. I'm sorry. Mostly to myself, but it's okay. Anyways, I got home from Oxford okay (it was a looonngg flight), had a very little bit of time at home before going to Abilene for Maymester. Did that, I've been home for a week, and I leave in a week for Mexico. I'm going to try to start posting here regularly again, and hopefully I'll succeed. We'll see.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Last weekend in Oxford

So in the craziness of the last weekend, I forgot to post. So here is what happened on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

On Friday I woke up, and did some studying for my afternoon final. Then I took that final, which I did pretty well on. After that I did a lot of packing and cleaning.

On Saturday I slept in, and then me and Holly did some shopping and had some lunch at the Eagle and Child. After we came back, we had a graduation ceremony for one of the girls who graduated from LCU, but missed the ceremony to be here. It just so happened that our ceremony was at the same time as theirs too. It was a lot of fun. She had a blue sheet for a robe and a construction paper hat with a shoestring for a tassel. We through confetti, hummed pomp and circumstance, had a comencement speech, slideshow, presentation of the diploma. We had the whole works. It was a lot of fun, and then afterward we all went out to dinner to celebrate.

On Sunday I went to church at St. Aldate's for the last time. After that I came back to the house and did some more packing. Sunday night we had our last nine at nine, and it was sad and wonderful.

Monday I woke up early for my last final, C.S. Lewis. I wrote 8 pages, and was done with school. I got a sandwich from On the Hoof for lunch, and after lunch we had an afternoon of cleaning and packing. After we were finished, we got ready for our last group dinner. We had a group picture, and all went to a really nice italian pizza place, where we were told we could get anything we wanted, so we all had sodas and starters and sides and pizza and dessert. It was wonderful. The bill for all of us was something like almost 900 pounds. That's almost 1800 dollars, although, keep in mind, there were 40 of us. Still, it was really cool.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Day

So, I woke up this morning at 4:45. You may wonder why, and with good reason. Today is May Day, and in Oxford, May Day is a big deal. Many of the college students spent all night April 30th partying, and early in the morning, dawn to be specific, thousands of people gather on High Street at Magdalen Tower to hear a choir sing and greet the coming summer.

So me and several friends dragged ourselves out of bed, left at 5am, got to High street at 5:30, and then waited till six for the very short but nice ceremony. It was fun, we grabbed some breakfast on the way back, and then slept a little before class.

Today I also had my last class time of the semester, for C.S. Lewis. I have two more finals, one tomorrow, and one on Monday. And then it's time to pack up and come home.

After class I started to study a little for my final, more not studying than studying, but, there was a little bit of productiveness.

And now, in the evening, I really am studying.