Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How My Day Went

So my mom is out of town for a few days, and she put me in charge. Here's how today went:

Nicole - Sister, age 20
Joe - Brother, age 19
Matt - Brother, age 19
Brandi - Sister, age 11 (Functions like a 3 month old)
Jeremiah - Nephew, just turned 2 (Nicole's Son)
Joshua - Nephew, 6 weeks old (Nicole's Son)
Marian - Brandi's in home caregiver.

Wake up at 5:30 in the morning - Nicole set the house alarm and didn't tell anyone, so the alarm went off when my dad let the dog out. Also realized that she wasn't sleeping in the den doing respite (listening for our Brandi's alarm) like she was supposed to, so I drag my pillow in and sleep for a few hours on the couch to listen (she sleeps with pulsox and CPAP machines, because she stops breathing at night sometimes.)

Wake up for real at nine to start Brandi's breakfast by feeding tube. Listen to Nicole waking up, talking on the phone. She lets Jeremiah run around while she gets ready for trade school, and he gets into everything. Try to direct Jeremiah's attention to productivity rather than distruction, pick up crying Joshua. Neither has eaten, or been dressed or changed.

Get Brandi fed, give her 8 different medications, change her diaper, get her dressed, get her in her wheelchair, start a breathing treatment.

Nicole leaves at 11, just as Joshua gets hungry. Jeremiah hasn't had breakfast. Listen to Joe complain about something while he watches me try to appease the three babies. Make Jeremiah breakfast, and the baby a bottle. Nod and "mhm" to Joe. Feed Joshua as I watch Jeremiah. Change Joshua's diaper. Put Jeremiah in time out for disobeying. Brush Brandi's teeth, wash her face, brush her hair. Fight with the two year old who's testing me some more. Baby's crying, so put him in the sling around my shoulder. Jeremiah won't throw away his trash. He does finally. Play cars with Jeremiah while holding the baby. Put Joshua down so I can fight with Jeremiah to change his diaper. Take Joshua and Jeremiah outside while listening to Brandi right inside the door.

Go inside, it's hot. Lay Joshua down. Lunchtime now, turn the TV on so Jeremiah will watch Calliou while I make lunch. While Jeremiah's lunch heats up, change Brandi's diaper, lay her down, start her lunch by feeding tube. Give Jeremiah his lunch. Hold Joshua because he's crying. Jeremiah's done with lunch, clean him up and the mess he's made, fight with him about cleaning up his toys, more time out. Nap time for Jeremiah. Change Jeremiah's diaper. Crys about TV off, back to bedroom, read a book, go to sleep.

Come back out. Finish Brandi's feed, change Joshua, feed Joshua. Matt emerges from his room for the first time that day. Lull Joshua back to sleep, Nicole gets home.

Marian arrives, so around 4, Nicole has her kids, and Marian takes care of Brandi.

Realize I haven't eaten all day, grab a bite of leftovers in the fridge.

Pick up car from car repair, shower, pick up pizza for family, eat pizza, watch big storms move through (tornado warning). Clean up the yard and tree branches. Watch movie with family (Alvin and the Chipmunks).


I don't know how my mother does it.

I'm still excited to have kids someday, but that day will not be now.