Monday, March 16, 2009

Hopefully I have a life again. *crossing fingers*

No lie, I just knocked on wood. I promise, I really did.

I'm so tired of being busy. I want peace in my life, and I have yet to figure out how to be busy and peaceful at the same time. There's always something more to do, and every time I check one thing off my to-do list, two more things appear.

But hopefully the worst is over.

And hopefully I can regain my creative outlets.

Maybe I'll take to painting polka dots. Or learn to do a cartwheel. Or play softball.
Maybe I'll finish my crochet projects and start the ones I really want to do.
Maybe I'll cook more.
Maybe I'll work on the miscellaneous crafting I want to do.
Maybe I'll do homework.
Maybe I'll blog or edit pictures.
Maybe I'll even take more pictures.
Who knows.

Hopefully I'll be creative in my dreams, and after that be creative here.


The_Heart_Beet said...

The gift of creativity is a glimpse of how personal the Lord is. He's gifted you in unique ways. I wish I could paint. I wish I appreciated polka dots. He loves you. He longs to bring you rest. Ask Him.

On a lighter note, did you design the banner at the top of your page? And, if so, will you make me one?