Monday, September 22, 2008

Starting Again.

So I took a break from blogging there for a while, but I'm going to try to start again.

To start out, this last weekend I took an amazing class on photography. It was an Honors Colloquium, and we stood in a camera obscura, (we made our classroom into one), then we made pinhole cameras out of basic cardboard boxes with construction paper shutters. We got to go out and take pictures with those cameras (cardboard boxes), and then we developed those photos in a darkroom. So from very start to very finish, the photo I produced is mine. I made the camera, I took the picture, I developed the negative, created a positive, and then developed that too. Granted, I didn't make the photo sensitive paper, or create the developing chemicals in a lab, but other than that, this picture is mine.

Here's the negative - the paper that came out of the camera that I developed:

Here's one of the test strips - trying to get the right exposure for the positive:

And here's the finished result:

Also in the class we made Cyanotype prints from negatives of pictures we took of ourselves on a digital camera printed on transparencies.

Here are some of those:

Also recently, I had the cool opportunity to hear Brian McLaren speak, and I also got to meet him. He came to ACU for Summit, and I went to three of his different sessions. They were all really good. It was pretty exciting.